These groups help with important projects including fence repair and painting, organizing storage areas, grounds and landscaping work, computer work, and other facility beautification jobs around the farm. Doing this work with like-minded people, all while giving time and energy to a great cause, makes this great fun for the entire team! NVTRP receives invaluable help and volunteers gain a sense of accomplishment and joy from helping others in their community.
These groups help with important projects including fence repair and painting, organizing storage areas, grounds and landscaping work, computer work, and other facility beautification jobs around the farm. Doing this work with like-minded people, all while giving time and energy to a great cause, makes this great fun for the entire team! NVTRP receives invaluable help and volunteers gain a sense of accomplishment and joy from helping others in their community.

Hello! My name is Rain. I was born in 1993, making me the most senior member of the herd. I am an Appaloosa/American Saddlebred cross with a 'Paintaloosa' coloring. I have done therapeutic riding across the country in California and when my owner and I moved out this way, I thought I'd jump back into the thing I love- helping people. My steady pace and easy-going personality makes me a great fit for all kinds of lessons.
Thank you to MEBS for sponsoring me!