These groups help with important projects including fence repair and painting, organizing storage areas, grounds and landscaping work, computer work, and other facility beautification jobs around the farm. Doing this work with like-minded people, all while giving time and energy to a great cause, makes this great fun for the entire team! NVTRP receives invaluable help and volunteers gain a sense of accomplishment and joy from helping others in their community.
These groups help with important projects including fence repair and painting, organizing storage areas, grounds and landscaping work, computer work, and other facility beautification jobs around the farm. Doing this work with like-minded people, all while giving time and energy to a great cause, makes this great fun for the entire team! NVTRP receives invaluable help and volunteers gain a sense of accomplishment and joy from helping others in their community.

Jean Edelman Indoor Riding Arena Open to Clients
The Jean Edelman Indoor Riding Arena opened in August 2021, the culmination of years of planning and fundraising. The facility offers 17,000 square feet of indoor riding space for clients, the Harbitter Learning Center for trainings and other meetings, a client observation area offering comfortable space for family members, and restrooms—a volunteer and client favorite after 40+ years of port-a-potties!
The opening of the Jean Edelman Indoor Riding Arena concludes the second phase of the three-phased Build to Thrive project. Initial work included the construction of the Founders Arena, a new, lit, outdoor riding arena, extensive foundation and infrastructure work, expanded parking, and an accessible playground in memory of Kristen Cubbage.
The third and final phase will include the construction of a 20-stall center aisle barn. Initial planning for this phase will begin in summer 2022, with construction to begin upon completion of successful fundraising.
Tremendous thanks go to Jean and Ric Edelman for their extraordinary vision and generosity in launching this project and to the volunteer building committee, led by John Tuthill, and then Gary Cubbage, for their hours of work.
Many naming opportunities remain for the Build to Thrive Project.
You can learn more by contacting Wendy Baird, Development Director, at or (585) 733-1914.